
CTE Course Registration:  

Student Teaching Information

Student Clubs and Organizations

    Jerianne Taylor, Advisor -
    Purpose: This club is open to all majors. We sponsor service events, provide professional development and leadership opportunities and compete at regional and national STEM-related competitions.
  • Epsilon Pi Tau
    Kevin Howell, Advisor -
    Purpose: Epsilon Pi Tau recognizes the academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions.
  • Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc.
    Herb Brown, Co-Advisor -
    Tempestt Adams, Co-Advisor -
    Purpose: To bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. For more information, visit
  • Kappa Delta Pi
    Lisa Gross, Advisor -
    Lisa Poling, Advisor -
    Purpose: National Honorary Education Fraternity. To promote a closer bond among students of Education and to form a more intimate fellowship with those dedicated to the cause of teaching as a profession.