ASU TECA wins 2nd Place in Problem Solving at the Eastern Region Technology Education Collegiate Association Conference in Virginia Beach

On November 13th - 15th, nine of our students attended the Eastern Region TECA Conference. While there, our problem-solving team (consisting of five students) placed 2nd in Problem Solving at TECA (Technology Education Collegiate Association) East Conference.

The following technology education majors were involved in the competition:

  • Gary Camilleri
  • Joe Gragg
  • Brooks Medford
  • Dustin Roten
  • Max Steele

Nine schools competed in the competition, including NCSU and NC A&T. California University of Pennsylvania received in 1st place and the State University of New York –Oswego received 3rd . The problem consisted of designing & building a prototype for an efficient stationary robotic arm in a limited amount of time (4 hours) using only the specified materials. The robotic arm had to be at least 18 inches in length. The robotic arm had to be able to pick up an empty cup (in the upright position) and place it in the upright position at a designated location that is 12 inches away from its origin, then return to its base location.

Published: Nov 22, 2011 2:52pm
